Latest Past Events

Bible Study, Food, and Fellowship

Mayfield Home 423 1st Ave, Chuluota

Come on out and enjoy a great time of fellowship and learning more about what the Scriptures say about Prayer. We will looking at the following verses and what God says about prayer in them. We are looking at the and website. The verses for this week and the theme is the […]

Fun Night Out Bowling Extravaganza

Boardwalk Bowl 10749 E Colonial Drive, Orlando

Oh my goodness did hear the exciting news.  Our group is going to go bowling on Saturday March 11 at Boardwalk Bowl.  This earth shattering, ground breaking, and heart pounding.  There will be thrills, chills, and more than likely spills.  So if your prone to injuries or just plain clumsy bring your braces, ice, Motrin, […]

Bible Study, Food and Fellowship

The Newcomb's Home 128 N Deerwood Ave, Orlando

Come on out and enjoy a great time of fellowship and learning more about what the Scriptures say about Prayer. We will looking at the following verses and what God says about prayer in them. We are looking at the and website. The verses for this week and the theme is the […]